Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Leave Sarah Palin Alone! Why Sarah Palin Rocks!

Everyone needs to just leave Governor Sarah Palin alone.  Clearly you massive hoard of liberals (who are all sexist) don't understand that Sarah Palin is perhaps the most amazing person ever.  When you really break down the person behind the legend you will find, perhaps, the crown jewel of humanity.

Sarah Palin, although human in form, is perhaps better described as a superhero.  When faced with moments of crisis as a member of the PTA in Wasilla, Alaska, Sarah Palin managed to keep diplomacy at the forefront, and prevent a school bus route change from escalating to nuclear Holocaust.

When opposition said, "why would we spend $360 billion to build a bridge to nowhere?" - She had the courage to stand up and say, "Because that bridge does go somewhere.  It goes where this ferry we already have, already goes...but this is a road".  And then she later had the strength to say, "maybe that bridge does go nowhere, let's not do that."  You see, she has the power to firmly say yes, and no, sometimes without even having to change issues.

If this isn't enough, please consider that Governer Palin has a long and storied history of "lowering taxes", which at face value may seem like a minor accomplishment to some.  But when you consider that she managed to due this in a state with no sales or income tax, the feat becomes significantly more awe-inspiring.

When everyone else was pleading to save the polar bears and keep them protected as an endangered species, she had the fortitude to say, "Fuck those polar bears".   When she discovered that wolves and moose were pretty fast animals, she fought hard for equality, and leveled the playing field by hunting them from aircraft.  Think she's not ready to defend the country, just give her a helicopter and a gun, and it will be game over for the opposition.

And through the course of all this, she's managed to be a hockey mom, a beauty contestant, and a sportscaster.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to be a hockey mom?...those kids have a ton of gear.  And she has handled it all without losing her Caribou Barbie looks.  While others like Barack Obama were wasting their time in the state and national senate, Palin was balancing the  the budget and dealing with the excruciating grind of being the mayor of Wasilla.  She fought so hard for her town, that she single-handedly brought in almost 30 million dollars in funding to this small town - so much money you couldn't even fit it in a pork barrel.   And in her epic, 18 month stint as governor of Alaska, she has continued to fight for the masses.  She'll fight for them as US citizens, or a soverign nation - whatever they want her to do, as long as she stays in office.

This woman has more executive experience than Barack Obama and Joe Biden combined as long as your fair enough to include her heroic history as a member of the Wasilla City counsel.  She has more experience then Obama.  More experience than Biden.  More experience than every Clinton on earth combined.  More experience than Jesus.

Is she qualified to be the Vice President or even the President of this country?  The better question, is are we qualified to be her country.


SERF said...

Amazing and Spicy!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing that while being mayor of Wasilla, AK (pop. around 9K minus the moose) she managed to leave it 20K in Debt! But, what I really want to know is where can I buy a Caribou Barbie?