Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hey world! What do you think? Obama or McCain?

Here at home in the United (yet completely divided) States, the polls are showing that we have a real barn-burner of a presidential election going on. But have you ever stopped to think about how the international community feels? I mean, who we elect as President can have a pretty significant impact on their daily hubbub as well. So what does the world think? We know they were less than thrilled when we 'elected' the big W in 2000, and most thought the US should be declared clinically insane when we decided to double-down on our idiocy in 2004. But now, in 2008, we are guaranteed someone new - well, one of them is pretty freaking old - but you get the point. Thankfully, our media pals across the pond, the BBC, were wondering the same thing and polled 22 countries over the course of July and August to find out the international opinion. So, what did they think?

Well, of the 22 nations polled, only 22 said they would prefer Obama to be the next US President over McCain. That's 22 nations that are just asking to get destroyed by the McCain/Give me a P! - give me an A! - give me an L! - give me an I! - give me an N! - ticket, should they be victorious in November.

But it was close, right? It was extremely close, with 12% favoring McCain, and Obama just a few ticks ahead at 49%. The other 39% of the world thinks we're already a lost cause and are currently urinating on the US dollar and laughing maniacally.

Clearly the world is biased, sexist, and in the tank with Obama and all of his lying, cheating supporters. So what if 100% of the countries in the world think Obama would be the better pick, 100% of the world is wrong. The only thing this poll shows is that foreigners are stupid. USA! USA! USA!

The countries involved in the over 22,000 person GlobeScan conducted poll were Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Turkey, the UAE, Britain.

John McCain knows where at least 4 of those countries are, but would not commit to speaking with leaders of any of them.

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